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Today is World Psoriasis Day

Word psoriasis day Teddy bear. The Seaweed Bath Co.

Today, October 29, 2010 is World Psoriasis Day.

World Psoriasis Day is an annual day specially dedicated to people with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis. It is organized by the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, which is made up of psoriasis organizations for all over the world, including the National Psoriasis Foundation in the United States.

The purpose of World Psoriasis Day is to put a spotlight on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, which affect an estimated 125 million people around the world.

This year, World Psoriasis Day is focusing on raising awareness about childhood psoriatic diseases. Many children face both physical and emotional challenges as a result of the diseases. There are currently no FDA-approved psoriasis medications for children. In addition to the physical pain that many children face, many are also forced to deal with bullying and social isolation as a result of the disease. Raising awareness about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can help.

To celebrate World Psoriasis Day, the National Psoriasis Foundation is offering 3 easy ways that you can make a difference:

1. Send an World Psoriasis Day e-card to friends and family.

2. Encourage your local schools to hold a Kids Walk to Cure Psoriasis.

3. Sign an online thank you card to legislators who have backed psoriatic disease research.

To learn more, visit the official website of World Psoriasis Day here:

Visit the National Psoriasis Foundation’s website here:

How will you mark World Psoriasis Day?

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