Did you know that nearly 7.5 million Americans have been diagnosed with psoriasis? More than just a skin condition, psoriasis is actually a chronic immune disease that presents itself on the skin. The exact cause of psoriasis is still a mystery, but scientists believe that the immune system is responsible for the attack on the skin that results in itchy, dry, and irritated skin patches. The disease can range from mild to severe, with an array of symptoms and manifestations. The National Psoriasis Foundation has identified five major classifications of psoriasis:
- PLAQUE is the most common form of psoriasis. In this condition red, raised lesions are formed on the skin with silvery-white scales. About 80% of those that suffer from psoriasis have Plaque and it is usually found on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back.
- GUTTATE psoriasis typically presents itself in children and early adulthood. It appears as individual, small, red spots on the torso, arms and legs. This condition is fairly uncommon, as it affects only 2% of the psoriasis population. Chicken pox, strep throat, or a cold could possibly trigger the guttate.
- INVERSE psoriasis is found in the skinfolds of the body. Under the breasts, around the genitals, and in the under arms; this classifications appears as bright-red lesions that are smooth and shiny.
- PUSTULAR psoriasis is most often found in adults. Localized or systemic, this type of psoriasis is characterized by white blisters surrounded by red skin.
- ERYTHRODERMIC is a particularly inflammatory kind of psoriasis. In this classification the fiery inflammation covers most of the skin’s surface and the scales shed in sheets.
Although most people with psoriasis experience only one type at a time, it is not uncommon for multiple forms to appear. Over time a person might also change from one type to another; usually as a result in some kind of stress on the system such as a sudden change in medication or illness.
No cure has been found for psoriasis as of yet, but there are a variety of natural treatment options that may help to prevent the flare ups, recover faster from an episode, and ease symptoms. Adopting a gluten-free diet and adding anti-inflammatory foods may help from the inside and using all-natural skincare products may help to manage symptoms on the outside.
What have you found that helps your psoriasis?
Psoriasis Net http://www.skincarephysicians.com/psoriasisnet/whatis.html
Psoriasis Speaks http://www.psoriasisspeaks.com/psoriasis-basics.aspx
Psoriasis.org http://www.psoriasis.org/learn_statistics, http://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis/types
EMedicine Health http://www.emedicinehealth.com/types_of_psoriasis/page2_em.htm
1 comment
Amazing write-up! I think every person that has psoriasis or was suffering from it for a long time or just found out they have it, should educate themselves and then find a good dermatologist and talk to them in order to find out what can done in order to treat this medical condition. In my case, I use read a lot of articles about my condition so that I could follow how other people are tackling this condition. Here are the sources which I followed thoroughly throughout my treatment – https://www.everydayhealth.com/psoriasis/guide/ https://www.medicinenet.com/psoriasis/article.html https://www.onhealth.com/content/1/psoriasis_rash_skin. My symptoms were stiffness in the skin. A splaying, like a burning sensation. There were times when I used to stay at home as I was quite insecure about my body. But slowly I started accepting it and now I am really enjoying my life.
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